The Democracy Forum presents a round-table discussion, titled: Political economy: The genesis of uneven growth in Pakistan broadcast on Monday 27th May, 2024.
Lord Bruce, President of The Democracy Forum
Humphrey Hawksley, Author & former BBC Asia correspondent
- Dr Shandana Khan Mohmand, Senior Fellow, Governance Cluster Lead, Institute of Development Studies
- Dr Zahid Mumtaz, Fellow in Social Policy, Dept of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Dr Juvaria Jafri, Lecturer in International Relations, School of Politics, Philosophy, Language & Communication Studies, University of East Anglia
Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the country’s average GNP growth rate has been relatively healthy, but it remains consistently uneven, and for the population, huge inequalities persist. What lies behind these imbalances? Political instability, the burden of debt from foreign loans, failure to attract investment? Has the strongly political focus of Pakistan’s economy impacted growth? Which groups are key to the country’s economic policy decision-making, and who has benefited most and least from past and recent policy measures?
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