Author, blogger and life coach, Sarah Rayner will speak about her own experiences with mental health and how she helps others get through the deepest troughs.
From 12:00 noon UK Time
At Goldster Purpose, Passion, Grit
Goldster Purpose, Passion and Grit welcomes the prolific author, blogger and life coach, Sarah Rayner, to speak about her own experiences with mental health and how she helps others get through the deepest troughs. As well as being a best-selling fiction author, Sarah is also the creator of the self-help Making Friends with… series that focuses on issues such as anxiety, depression, menopause, fertility, divorce and end of life - challenges that at some stage impact us and those we love.
In one of her recent blogs, Sarah wrote movingly about the traumatic experience of the pandemic, urging her readers not to be ashamed for asking for support. “There is nothing bad about being depressed or anxious; it doesn't mean you have failed.” Her tips for moving forward include “journaling, getting outside, meditating, and extending compassion to the self and others.” She is a regular contributor to the popular magazine, Psychology Today, has started her own publishing company Creative Publishing and you can read her blogs here.
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