Founder of TalentC and Co-founder of the International Mentor Community, and author of You Are Not Alone, examining how mentoring can bring value to the support structure for mental health.
From 12:00 noon UK Time
At Goldster Purpose, Passion, Grit
Doug Lawrence is the founder of TalentC and Co-founder of the International Mentor Community. Doug leads organizations to experience the benefits how mentoring will encourage harmony in relationships and, for businesses, improve productivity and reduce costs. His latest book, You Are Not Alone, examines how mentoring can bring value to the support structure for mental health. By writing the book, Doug had to confront some of his own demons to better understand why he behaved in the way he did. From that, he discovered he had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that needed to be properly treated. Frew us are aware that trauma can evolve from any experience a family upset, the loss of a loved one, a car accident and the information that smashes into the brain at that time needs to be processed.
Doug had relied on his spouse and two children to provide support yet they suffered their own trauma in dealing with his behaviour. BY glimpsing into Doug’s story, readers will see the value of mentoring to help people through life’s obstacles. Whether part of a multi-national corporation, a small community group or caught up within a fractious family, understanding the concept of mentoring will engage your peers and colleagues and lessen stress and anxiety.
Join Doug Lawrence with Humphrey Hawksley in this revealing Goldster Conversation where Doug will guide us on how to create support structures and walk beside people that are beginning their own journeys in dealing with trauma. Purpose, Passion and Grit, Tuesday August 1st 2023 at 12.00
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