Author of Facial Reflexology for Emotional Well-Being
From 12:00 noon UK Time
At Goldster Purpose, Passion, Grit
Alexander Scrimgeour treats anxiety and stress disorders through innovative reflexology techniques that he learned primarily at the Institute of Traditional Vietnamese Medicine in Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon. It is housed in Vietnam’s largest teaching hospital where a whole floor is dedicated to the treatment and palliative support of cancer, another for stroke rehabilitation, and two floors for out-patient treatments. Medical staff use a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, western medicine, physiotherapy, diet therapy, massage therapy, and qigong/yoga. During his internship, Alex helped in the diagnosis and treatment of hundreds of patients while forming relationships with of leading acupuncturists and massage therapists. He heard about a unique system of reflexology that mapped out hundreds of points on the face and treated a wide range of conditions by stimulating different facial points. After receiving a treatment himself he became doubly curious because of how it created powerful and positive shift in how he felt.
Alex now practices as an acupuncturist and massage therapist with a speciality in Dien Chan Facial Reflexology, together with mentoring in qigong, breath-work, and stress-management. He works from private clinics in London and is regularly invited to many of the world's leading Spas and wellness centres, including the Mandarin Oriental Spa in Hong Kong and Marrakech, Kamalaya Wellness Resort, and Ananda in the Himalayas. Through his new book Facial Reflexology for Emotional Well-Being, Alex will share what he has learned in a Goldster Conversation with Humphrey Hawksley.
Join Alex and Humphrey Tuesday 12.00 London time September 5th Purpose Passion and Grit.
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