United we stand? Ukraine and the future of the West
From 19.00 until 21.00 UK Time
At Royal National Hotel (Meeting Room 1, South Wing)
38-51 Bedford Way London, WC1H 0DG
Has Russia’s invasion led to a new moment of Western unity? Will it last? Are deeper geopolitical tensions likely to return, or are they perhaps already shaping the West’s response to Russia’s invasion? Does the West have the leadership, capability and agreement to tackle a serious escalation in the current war? What would a revived Western unity mean for the world, and does it herald the return of aspirations to be ‘the world’s policeman’? Has the invasion demonstrated that reports of the decline of the West were exaggerated, or will declinists be proved right in the end?
Nick Busvine OBE
partner, Herminius Holdings Ltd; advisory board member and writer, Briefings for Britain; Sevenoaks town councillor; former diplomat, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Professor Bill Durodié
chair of risk and security in international relations, University of Bath
Claire Fox
director, Academy of Ideas; member of the House of Lords
Professor Frank Furedi
sociologist and social commentator; author, First World War: Still No End in Sight
Humphrey Hawksley
journalist; former foreign correspondent, BBC; author, Man on Ice, Asian Waters and The Third World War; Asia specialist
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